Your Traffic Will Be Garbage Without The R Factor! Say The Authors Of Who Loves Money

What's do they mean "your Traffic will be garbage I hear you say? What is this "R factor you ask?

Well as far as Kyle and Carson the authors of Who Loves Money are concerned R stands for Relevance.

And what exactly do they mean by 'Relevance'you want to know? Well Kyle and Carson who are both 26 year old self made millionaires by the way, explain it like this.

Step one: You find a market i.e. people who want something and have the money to pay for it.

Step two: You find a relevant product i.e. a product that your market is looking for and wants to buy.

Step three: You discover the reason WHY they want to buy. (If you can do this you are half way to making a lot of money!)

Step four: You write your relevant advert i.e you include the Keywords that people are typing in the search engines.

Step five: You construct a relevant site that shows people what they want and how they can buy what they want now. Or if you are an Affiliate you send them to a relevant site.

As far as Kyle and Carson are concerned if you do not follow the steps above the traffic you will get will be garbage!

Sounds simple dosen't it just common sense? But it is amazing how many people fail they spend and loose hundreds of dollars on the latest "get rich" scams and buy useless lists that have already been worked over and over. I can vouch for that, having lost over $5000 when I started marketing.

The authors of Who loves Money tell it like it is. You do not get rich in the marketing business overnight! Anyone who tells you you will is lying through their teeth.

So if you are new to marketing how do you start looking for a market? How do you find a product that really sells? How do you discover WHY people want to buy? Where do you find the Keywords you need? And how do you construct a page that sells? Kyle and Carson walk you through all the steps in Who Loves Money.

And they show you how to do it without you having to use your own money. In fact you can work nearly all the techniques in Who Loves Money at zero cost!

Other tried and tested techniques Kyle and Carson walk you through in Who Loves Money include:

* How you can work niches that can earn you $60 per minute
(They reveal the actual niches and techniques they use!)

* How you can drive super targeted traffic to your site for free

* An Invincible Strategy you can implement that only takes 5 minutes per day

* How you can discover which keywords really sell

* How you can work their Penny Pincher Traffic techniques

* Kyle and Carson's amazing and highly profitable 'Slow Roller' Technique

* How to spy on your competition and let others do the research for you.

If you are a newbie to Internet marketing Who loves Money with its simple easy to understand content could just be what you need to get yourself up and running.

And you veterans who may be struggling just now or who want to increase your income will also find plenty of tried and tested ideas you can use.

About the Author:
David P Allen has spent a lifetime in communications running a successful business from home for over 30 years. He is Passionate about Positive self-help and he spends a lot of his time researching money making ideas. You can see his latest research here

Article Source: - Your Traffic Will Be Garbage Without The R Factor! Say The Authors Of Who Loves Money

Money, Internet, Love, Traffic, Technique, Relevance, Maketing